oh, hi :)
I'm an English graduate from a leading international university leveraging my love of linguistics and passion for storytelling. I find fulfillment in using words to inspire and empower others.
a little about me...
Both professionally and personally, I bring just the right amount of passion, style, and whimsy to every project I take on. When I'm not at work sharing my intoxicating travel obsession for a living, you might find me dousing everything I eat in hot sauce, losing my voice at musical theatre cabaret nights, and trying to live a life that I hope could someday inspire a half-decent memoir. Most of the time, though, I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer, wondering how to see the world without maxing out her credit card.
Favorite place in the world: Edinburgh, Scotland
Favorite author: Dorothy Parker
Sun, Moon, & Rising: Aquarius, Aquarius, Libra (I promise I'm not as flighty as that makes me sound)
Favorite food: Hummus with hot sauce
TV show I'll never stop rewatching: Absolutely Fabulous
Favorite word: Limerence
Weirdest phobia: Birds with long necks
Words to live by: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Eliot
Fun Fact:
A psychic once told me that I'd meet a man with dark curly hair who would bring me into his cult to write about his beliefs ... I'm hoping it will be Timothee Chalamet.